Doctor Decisions

I have the opportunity to see two neurosurgeons that specialize in Chiari.  One in Wisconsin, the other Colorado.  The first, possibly next week.  The latter possibly in two months.  Both are excellent neurosurgeons.  Both do their best to rule out other issues before performing the decompression.

There are pros and cons of seeing a Chiari specialist.

Pros: seeing someone who specializes in my condition, who is actively doing research, participating in moving Chiari diagnostics toward accuracy and efficiency, and has a passion to help Chiari sufferers.

Cons: seeing a specialist brings me face to face with the monster…I really do have this dreadful condition that has no cure, that can only be slowed, that with surgery only has an 84% quality of life success (with the BEST surgeons), that I really do have surgery, presently the only real treatment to slow the symptoms, looming in my future.

I’m not one for denial, but I’m not sure I’m this courageous.  As elite as being a brain condition survivor seems, I’d much rather join some other club, like the Y, than the ZipperHeads.

This is where I am learning to trust God.  To know HE is extraordinary and more than sufficient to help me through.  Though I cry each night as I pray through this and other ongoing trials, I find myself able to wake up the next day to thank God for another day, ask the Lord for His grace, take stock of that day and move forward with Him.

One thought on “Doctor Decisions

  1. Oh Debbie, I continue to pray for you. I know this is hard but remember there are so many watching you and you have continued to praise God. What a testimony that is to many who are lost.
    Please keep us posted on the decision about the doctor.

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